Recalls and Reminders
This practice uses a "Recall and Reminder" system.
Information from your health record is used to find when you are due for check-ups and tests. By allowing the doctor to send you these reminders, you will help to detect serious conditions early and to monitor known conditions. This can significantly improve the long-term outcome for you.
Hotdoc sends electronic reminders straight to your phone. Sometimes the doctor will send reminder letters or phone you.
This will usually be by making another appointment to see them a few days after the test has been done.
It is important for patients to realise that the receptionist has no access to your result files, they can only give you the comment that Doctor has written.
Again, this is why you are encouraged to return for your results. By coming in and seeing the referring doctor they can; assess your improvement or lack thereof, spend some time on preventative health measures, such as lifestyle risk factors and further develop the doctor patient relationship. A telephone consult is also an option for you to discuss results with your doctor.

Obtaining your results
As part of most consultations, your doctor may order pathology or radiology tests, in order to assist with diagnosis or to monitor a condition. At your visit your doctor will tell you how you can get the results. This will usually
be by making another appointment to see him or her a few days after the test has been done. Many patients ring the reception staff to get their results. This is okay if that’s what your doctor advises, but it is not ideal. It is
important for patients to realise that the receptionist has no access to your result files, she can only give you the comment that Doctor has written.
So, for example, doctor may have marked the result—no action. This means that the result is as expected. It does not mean that there were no abnormalities. This is why it is very it is important for you to actually see the
doctor for the test result. Similarly, the receptionist has no access to specific details such as your cholesterol level, which you may well be monitoring as part of the management of your chronic condition. Again, this is why we
have to encourage you to return for your results.
By coming in and seeing the referring doctor, he or she is also able to assess your improvement and or lack thereof, spend some time on preventative health measures, such as lifestyle risk factors and further develop the doctor
patient relationship, rather than telephoning for results. Either way, it is important that patients follow up their results.
Just because we don’t ring you doesn’t mean it was all clear—do we have your current contact details?
And if we do ring you, it’s because your doctor wants to make sure you are okay, or they want to give you advice about the result and options for future management. If you are requested to make a follow up appointment, please do so.
All patient consultations, financial and medical records are kept strictly confidential.